5 tips To Help You In Choosing The Ideal Course in JAMB 2019 - Campus Trends

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Sunday, December 24, 2017

5 tips To Help You In Choosing The Ideal Course in JAMB 2019

The JAMB  2019 form is out and a lot of millions of candidates would get the form but most of them and many would just a Course for choosing sake.
Most of the candidates who weren't offered provisional admission by any institution not because their scores didn't reach the cut-off mark but because of wrong subject combination, 
to help in avoiding to choose the wrong course I hoping to help every candidates by giving my 5 tips To Help You In Choosing The Ideal Course in JAMB 2019.

Before you continue have you read- How To Register for JAMB (Step by Step) if not try to read it later. 

Here are my tips  To Help You In Choosing The Ideal Course in JAMB 2018.

ALSO READ: See The Official JAMB Subject Combinations 2019 Examinations

1.  List all the subjects that you offered in your O'level.
All the listed subjects must be the passed subjects in your WAEC, NECO or NABTEB results.
The main reason I asked you to do this is that you can't be admitted for a Course if you didn't pass the required Subjects for that particular course. For example the required subjects to study Biochemistry in any University is Five (5) SSCE credit passes in English, Chemistry, Maths and Biology, if I didn't pass Chemistry and I went ahead to register for Biochemistry, then I can never be admitted for Biochemistry.

2. Pick the best graded Subjects in your results. (Optional)

With the adopted system in most institution in Nigeria to grade O'level results you can choose a course that according to your best graded subjects, doing this can help raise your scores even before your Post UTME exams.

3. Pick the Subjects you Find more easier.
Every course revolves round its required Subjects, for example, from my earlier illustration if I find Chemistry hard but I passed it in my SSCE and I went ahead in Studying Biochemistry then I would find the Chemistry part of Biochemistry as a problem.
So out of your passed SSCE results tick the ones you find easiest, if your have done that move to my next tip.

4. Look into the Brochure.

If you have any Course on your mind look through the JAMB Brochure for the required Subjects and the combinations, if you don't have any Course that you loved then use your picked subjects from the third tip and find the course for those subjects.

5. Make your decision.
Your choice shouldn't be biased or based on what anyone wants but on what you can find more easier, if you have picked the course in accordance with this tips then I believe you are more likely to have a successful JAMB 2018 Examination.
If you have any question or contributions leave a comment and please share this post with others to have them benefit from this and you can drop your subjects in the comment box while I suggest courses for you, Thanks. 

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