Apply Now: International PhD Studentships In Islamic Studies In UK, 2018 - Campus Trends

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Monday, March 19, 2018

Apply Now: International PhD Studentships In Islamic Studies In UK, 2018

The Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World at the University of Edinburgh is calling for applications for International PhD Studentships in Islamic Studies in UK, 2018.
International students are eligible to apply for this studentship.University accepts all of the English language qualifications for entry to the University.

Scholarship Type:
Studentships are available to pursue Ph.D. programme.

Field of study:
Studentships are for Islamic Studies: Islamic Civilisation or Muslims in Europe.

Scholarship Benefits:
Each studentship will cover the tuition fee, a living allowance of £14,553 for 2018-19 (increasing in-line with Research Council UK rates thereafter) and a yearly research budget of £1000.

To be taken in(Country):
University of Edinburgh, UK
Scholarship Number:
Up to two studentships are available.

Eligible Countries:
International students are eligible to apply for this studentship.

Eligibility for the Scholarships:
To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:
1. An undergraduate and Masters degree in a relevant subject.
have research skills
2. Ability to undertake research which may involve both the study of texts and be engaging with individuals and communities
3. Able to work in a team
4. Diplomacy, including religious, cultural and political sensitivity
5. The ability to work to deadlines
6. A willingness to be flexible and work non-standard hours.
7. Experience in conducting and explaining research to a wide variety of audiences, both within and beyond a university context.
8. Knowledge of a relevant language (e.g. Arabic, Persian)
9. Excellent presentation and communication skills
10. Experience in designing material for websites

University accepts all of the English language qualifications for entry to the University, including IELTS qualifications from any IELTS test centre.

How to Apply for the Scholarship:
Applications for the PhD should be via the online admissions portal by clicking the link below:
PhD in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
For applicants whose first language is not English, evidence of English language proficiency is needful. Click here for further details.
Studentship applications should include a covering letter, a curriculum vitae and an outline research proposal (circa 1200 words). Submit via email to

Click here for guidelines on how to write a suitable PhD research proposal.
You can begin the application by clicking on this Link
Application Deadline:
12th April 2018.

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