Unilorin: 7 Months In A Semester, The Fall Of A Stable Calendar And The Rise Of Mediocrity. - Campus Trends

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Unilorin: 7 Months In A Semester, The Fall Of A Stable Calendar And The Rise Of Mediocrity.

The 2017/2018 Harmattan Semester Began in November 2017 (November, December, January, February, March) 5 months already gone and they promised the 100&200L student, That test will start first week of The 6th month in a semester, Definitely Exam Can’t be concluded in the same month!!!

First it was the Machiavellian attempt to elongate the months spent by the 300l students with the introduction of an ill-planned skill acquisition programme. Now it is the postponement of both the 200l and 100l tests vis-a-vis the serial shift of the matriculation dates.

With these events, it suffices to say that the University of Ilorin which once paraded itself as the enviable Spartan of a stable academic calendar to the whole of Nigeria is at a loss of administrative suggestions and control as the months in a semester gradually drag to seven (7) without a vacation date in sight. Then it is safe to assume that the university is debilitated, prostrated and flattened to smithereens of priorities, vision and objectivity. Regardless of what the authorities will want the students to believe, the University is helpless and hapless.

This is borne out of the fact that the University of Ilorin will never deem it obligated to weigh its options before it pronounces its ‘constituted judgement’ over its students. A university with the most students population is expected to put its students at the forefront of its decisions. It is expected to impart learning and character with friendly, communicable decisions that do not only extol the rights of its students but also their welfarism.

However, reverse is the case as students are nothing to a great adherent of its edicts and a celebrant of hedonism but mere figments in the microcosm of its imagination. We are effigies in the terrain of Unilorin’s Mephistophelean rules. We are insignificant in its focused observation.

And how do we determine this? Countless times the university had had to transfer its shortcomings on the students, thus making them vulnerable and insecure. We the students are to bear the brunt of an unfortunate backwardness. And who cares if we pay dearly for it? Just recently a student was Shot at Oke-Odo by a fellow student that we have to wonder how much more will go with a torturous calendar that has the tendency of causing one frustration. The frustration is embedded in factors like insufficiency of food and money that are necessary for the upkeep.

Most students are at a stage where they hardly have something to put to mouth with crime and violence tending to an increment, yet the university, in order to buttress its benevolence, keeps pushing academic activities into the everlasting.

Prevalent of the university is its lack of proper timing and adequate planning. The university experimented on varieties of dates for its matriculation only to have it postponed to the 29 of March (Matriculation At The Last week Of The 5th month).

The university earlier slated a test on the 26 of March, only to have it withdrawn to a later date because the earlier date falls on Easter it never predicted.

The thoughtful University wished its penultimate students would acquire entrepreneurial skills and thus mandated a day-out-of-two-weeks training for them to learn carpentry, tailoring, rice cultivation and others. The university which has enforced that the training is necessary also was quick to think that the charges for it should be necessary because students would need materials it didn’t foresee. An initially whopping #5000 was proposed to be paid within two days before it was overturned to #1000. A #1000 charge was going, going, going, as the authority and the students entered a free bargain on worthlessness until it was gone. The university even was beaten to its own mediocrity.

Nevertheless, we remain ever optimistic that the new administration will come to the light of our questions. We are enduring because we believe a school that teaches probitas doctrina will soon learn how to teach itself the fundamentals of it. Conclusively, we are hopeful things will turn out for the best because home— this home, this once great home— can never be run away from.

This post was submitted by  lalasticala, a guest poster. You can submit your guest post via mail at mycampustrends@gmail.com

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