Campus Trends Student of The Year 2017: Adeyeye Olurunfemi - Campus Trends


Campus Trends

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Campus Trends Student of The Year 2017: Adeyeye Olurunfemi

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Adeyeye Olurunfemi is a remarkable victimized activist  and Studentfrom the University of Lagos,
who despite having been suspended for 4 semesters last year for a Post he wrote on Facebook that didn't stop him from driving different movement in different tertiary institutions across Nigeria.

Though he was arrested and molested different times, Olorunfemi still remains a very vivid Campus Contributor.

He has been a source of Inspiration to many Student Leaders because of strong desire to say frankly what he thinks.

 Wole Soyinka regarded him as a person like him.

He went as far as standing in for inmates at Kirikiri who were not rightly judged.
If you don't know this guy then you haven't been following all the Trends on Campuses. Although only little of his works were featured in this post but he  has been a remarkable tool to fight corruption, mismanagement, injustice on different Campuses and that is why would love to honour him our Student of The Year 2017, Well done Adeyeye Olurunfemi, we support your works.
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